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5 Things I'm grateful for as a Virtual Assistant

Hey Y’all + Happy Fall!

Next week is Thanksgiving here in the States so today on the blog I’m sharing my top gratitude's as a Virtual Assistant… I hope this will inspire my fellow VAs to take a few moments and reflect on what you have to be grateful for this time of year.

5 Things I'm Grateful For As A Virtual Assistant

1. I’m thankful for my clients!

Let’s face it… Without my fabulous clients I wouldn’t have a business. Or at least, not a profitable one! I have been blessed to work with some incredible clients over the years and am super grateful to have a handful of clients that I work with currently who I genuinely enjoy working with day in and day out. I love supporting them with Ontraport, their techie tasks, website tasks, and much more. I have also loved working with the clients I was able to support through my VIP Implementation Days.

2. I’m thankful for the ability to work from anywhere!

At the start of this year I was living in Nashville, TN and just this month I am in the processing of moving back to my hometown here in Louisiana. What’s so great about being a VA is that even when moving or traveling back and forth between TN and LA and now moving back, it didn’t interrupt my work - business carried on like always and I was still able to provide great service to my clients.

3. I’m thankful for incredible online communities I am a part of!

I won’t elaborate on those too much here because I’ve done other blogs about my fave communities… But I am truly grateful! You can check out this post and this post for more about which ones I’m referring too and why I love them so much.

4. I’m grateful for my VA friends!

Over the years I’ve been able to connect with some amazing VAs and I feel blessed to call many of them good friends. What I love most is when we are able to connect in person with one another… which I’ve been lucky to do a handful of times this year!

5. I’m thankful for change and growth {even when it’s hard}!

Don’t let this upbeat blog fool you… Sometimes building a successful VA business can feel really hard when you are wanting to make changes that are good for long term growth but that feel hard to do. Launching this blog, in fact, as felt hard and scary because I worried what other people might think of me doing this {I was worried I didn’t have enough expertise even though I have been a VA for 10+ years - LOL!}… but I got over that because like I want this blog to be an incredible resource for my fellow VAs and I can’t create that if I’m too focused on what others might think {and honestly, no one is out there thinking about us as much as we think of ourselves… #truth lol}.

I could probably think of a million other things I am grateful for in my Virtual Assistance business… but instead, I’d love to hear from YOU!

I’d love to start a long gratitude post, so please take a moment to chime in!


**PS: That Ontraport link is an affiliate link - if you sign up through that link, I'll receive a commission. But just a reminder that I only affiliate with programs and products I 100% believe in and support and use. :)

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